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Welcome to ECGpedia, a free electrocardiography (ECG) tutorial and textbook to which anyone can contribute , designed for medical professionals such as cardiac care nurses and physicians. ECGpedia has received more than 9.300.000 unique visits from 238 countries. Also visit our new Textbook of Cardiology. ECG course.


DA: 15 PA: 10 MOZ Rank: 25

Basics - ECGpedia

The QRS complex is the average of the depolarization waves of the inner (endocardial) and outer (epicardial) cardiomyocytes. As the endocardial cardiomyocytes depolarize slightly earlier than the outer layers, a typical QRS pattern occurs (figure). The T wave represents the repolarization of the ventricles.


DA: 15 PA: 12 MOZ Rank: 28

Introduction - ECGpedia

Step 2: Rate. Step 3: Conduction (PQ,QRS,QT) Step 4: Heart axis. Step 5: P wave morphology. Step 6: QRS morphology. Step 7: ST morphology. Step 7+1: Compare the current ECG with a previous one. Step 7+2: Conclusion. Note: It is important to realize that not all these steps may be applicable when you encounter ECG abnormalities.


DA: 15 PA: 18 MOZ Rank: 35

Cases and Examples - ECGpedia

Example 23. Go to case. Case provided by. Example 24. Typical Brugada syndrome ST segments in right precordial ECG leads (on spot diagnosis) aka 'type-1 Brugada ECG' with 1st degree AV block and broad P-waves. Go to case. Case provided by …


DA: 15 PA: 10 MOZ Rank: 28

QRS axis - ECGpedia

From ECGpedia (Redirected from Heart axis) Jump to navigation Jump to search «Step 3: Conduction (PQ, QRS, QT, QTc) Step 5: P wave morphology» Contents. 1 How do you determine the electrical heart axis; 2 Abnormal heart axis; 3 Left axis deviation; 4 Right axis deviation; Author(s) I.A.C. van der Bilt, MD: Moderator: T.T. Keller: Supervisor: some notes about …


DA: 15 PA: 10 MOZ Rank: 29

Example24 - ECGpedia

From ECGpedia. Jump to navigation Jump to search. The ECG. Following the 7+2 steps: Rhythm The ECG shows a regular rhythm. Every P wave is followed by a QRS complex. P waves are positive in I and AVF. Normal sinus rhythm ; Heart rate about 80bpm; Conduction (PQ,QRS,QT) In lead II: PQ: 210ms QRS: 90ms QT: 380ms QTc: 450ms; Heartaxis QRS positive in I and …


DA: 15 PA: 15 MOZ Rank: 35

ECGpedia ECG course - by Cardionetworks

A basic ECG course from ECGpedia.org. Contents: Basics of electrocardiography including the 7+2 steps to systematically approach an ECG, Arrhythmias, AV and Intraventricular Conduction, Ischemia, Hypertrophy and dilatation, Miscellaneous, Technical problems, Questions. Telemetry Exam. Telemetry exam (intended for new residents of the OLVG hospital) Skip Main menu. …


DA: 19 PA: 19 MOZ Rank: 26

Hypertrofie en dilatatie - ECGpedia

Er bestaat ook een aangeboren vorm van hypertrofie: hypertrofische obstructieve cardiomyopathie. Bij dilatatie kan de wand de verhoogde druk niet aan en rekt deze op. Dit is met name het geval bij de atria en de rechterkamer, omdat de wand daar maar dun is en de spanning op de wand snel toeneemt bij oplopende druk.


DA: 15 PA: 30 MOZ Rank: 52

Lateraalinfarct - ECGpedia

Uit ECGpedia (Doorverwezen vanaf Lateraal infarct) Naar navigatie springen Naar zoeken springen. Dit is onderdeel van het hoofdstuk: Ischemie: Een lateraalinfarct wordt gekenmerkt door: ST-elevatie in I, AVL, V5 en V6; Omvat de laterale zijde van de linkerkamer (linkerzijkant van het hart). Deze wordt door de RCX of de MO van bloed voorzien. De MO, de marginalis …


DA: 15 PA: 22 MOZ Rank: 45

Ischemie - ECGpedia

Met name de hartspiercellen in de subendocardiale lagen hebben het eerst last van de verminderde doorbloeding. Subendocardiale ischemie uit zich in ST-depressie en is meestal reversibel. Bij een myocardinfarct ontstaat transmurale ischemie, myocardcellen sterven daarbij definitief af.. In de minuten, uren en dagen na het begin van een myocardinfarct, zijn er …


DA: 15 PA: 11 MOZ Rank: 35

Elektrolytstoornissen - ECGpedia

Hogere en spitsere T-toppen (bij milde hyperkaliëmie) QRS-verbreding, lage R, afwezige P-top en hoge spitse T-top (bij ernstige hyperkaliëmie). Bij welke kaliumspiegel deze veranderingen optreden kan individueel erg verschillen. Over het algemeen worden ecg-afwijkingen belangrijker geacht dan de kaliumspiegel bij het inschatten van het risico ...


DA: 15 PA: 29 MOZ Rank: 54

Lange-QT-syndroom - ECGpedia

Diagnose en behandeling. De diagnose wordt gesteld aan de hand van het ecg. Hierbij kijkt men naar het QT-interval als mede naar de T-golven (repolarisatie). Soms is de QT-tijd lastig te bepalen. Kijk hier voor het meten van de QT-tijd bij afwijkende QT-patronen.Een QTc van > 500 ms bij patiënten met het lange-QT-syndroom is geassocieerd met een verhoogd risico op …


DA: 15 PA: 23 MOZ Rank: 49

ECGpedia - University of Edinburgh

ECGpedia. By Ann Sergeant | Published: December 4, 2010. A fantastic wiki based tutorial and textbook to which anyone can contribute. Designed for almost all healthcare professionals from medical and nursing students all the way to consultant physicians. ECGpedia provides interpretation tutorials, an online ECG textbook along with interesting ...


DA: 17 PA: 21 MOZ Rank: 50

Common, Yet Puzzling ECG findings – What To Do About Them!

Left axis deviation by definition is a coronal QRS axis of more than -30 degrees. Some ECG machines call any axis in the right upper quadrant (between 0 and -90 degrees) left axis deviation. Not infrequently, these computers will call a QRS axis of 0 to -30 degrees, “borderline left axis deviation .”. In reality, this term is meaningless ...


DA: 14 PA: 23 MOZ Rank: 50

ECGpedia - Home - Facebook

ECGpedia. 248 likes. ECGpedia.org is a non-profit website that contains an electrocadiography course, textbook and thousends of examples.


DA: 16 PA: 9 MOZ Rank: 39

ST elevation myocardial infarction EKG examples - wikidoc

Anterolateral Myocardial Infarction. Shown below is an EKG demonstrating sinus rhythm. The remarkable feature is the poor R wave progression in the V1 and V2 leads and the ST elevation and T wave changes in leads V1 to V4 and I and aVL. The cardiogram suggests an anterior/ lateral MI possibly acute.


DA: 15 PA: 10 MOZ Rank: 40

Mitral stenosis electrocardiogram - wikidoc

The electrocardiogram (ECG) in mitral stenosis might have no significant abnormalities. Findings suggestive of left atrial enlargement and hypertrophy might be present, such as a broad, bifid P wave in lead II (referred to as P mitrale) and an enlarged terminal negative portion of the P wave in V1. The ECG might demonstrate findings of ...


DA: 15 PA: 44 MOZ Rank: 75

File:Fig009 (CardioNetworks ECHOpedia).svg - Wikipedia

This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.: You are free: to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work; to remix – to adapt the work; Under the following conditions: attribution – You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not …


DA: 16 PA: 48 MOZ Rank: 81

Electrocardiogram - wikidoc

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. Synonyms and keywords: ECG; EKG Overview. An electrocardiogram is a graphic produced by an electrocardiograph, which records the electrical activity of the heart over time. Its name is made of different parts: electro, because it's related to electronics, cardio, Greek for heart, gram, a Greek root meaning "to write".


DA: 15 PA: 28 MOZ Rank: 61

ST elevation myocardial infarction electrocardiogram - wikidoc

Electrocardiogram. The characteristic ECG changes consistent with STEMI are: ST elevation in at least 2 contiguous leads of 2 mm (0.2 mV) in men or 1.5 mm (0.15 mV) in women in leads V2–V3 and/or of 1 mm (0.1mV) in other contiguous chest leads or the limb leads.


DA: 15 PA: 50 MOZ Rank: 97

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